博客來精選推薦Blackfoot Dictionary of Stems, Roots, and Affixes
Blackfoot Dictionary of Stems, Roots, and Affixes
Blackfoot Dictionary of Stems, Roots, and Affixes 評價
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Blackfoot Dictionary of Stems, Roots, and Affixes
To the Moon and Back ![]() |
Mountain Country Courtship ![]() |
The Blackfoot Dictionary is a comprehensive guide to the vocabulary of Blackfoot, an Algonquian language spoken by thousands in Alberta and Montana. This third edition of the critically acclaimed dictionary adds more than 1,100 new entries, major additions to verb stems, and the inclusion of vai, vii, vta, and viti syntactic categories. It contains more than 5,500 Blackfoot-English entries and an English index of more than 6,000 entries, and provides thorough coverage of cultural terms. The transcription uses an official, technically accurate alphabet and the authors have classified entries and selected examples based on more than 46 years of research.
- 作者: Frantz, Donald G./ Russell, Norma Jean
- 原文出版社:Univ of Toronto Pr
- 出版日期:2017/03/15
- 語言:英文
Blackfoot Dictionary of Stems, Roots, and Affixes